Privacy Policy
Sexual harassment at the workplace results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman
- to equality under Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India
- to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the Constitution
- to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business which includes a right to asafe environment free from sexual harassment.
Roach Lifescapes LLP is an equal employment opportunity company and is committed to creating a healthyworking environment that enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, gender bias and in a harassment free workplace to all employees without regard to race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin or disability. The Company also believes that all employees of the Company have the right to be treated with dignity. Sexual harassment at the work place or other than work place if involving an employee or employees is a grave offence and is therefore, punishable.
At Roach Lifescapes LLP, all employees are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct at the workplace and in all their interactions with business stakeholders. This means that employees have a responsibility to
• Treat each other with dignity and respect
• Zero tolerance to any sexual harassment at workplace through Prevention, Resolutionand Deterrence of acts of sexual harassment.
• Follow the letter and spirit of law. • Refrain from any unwelcome behavior that has sexual connotation (of sexual nature)
• Refrain from creating hostile atmosphere at workplace via sexual harassment
• Report sexual harassment experienced and/or witnessed to appropriate authorities and abide by the complaint handling procedure of the company.
• To encourage the early reporting of any allegations of sexual harassment and ensurethat complaints are dealt with in a sensitive, equitable, fair, timely and confidentialmanner, as per the principles of natural justice.
This policy has been framed in accordance with the provisions of “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” and rules framed thereunder (hereinafter“the Act”). Accordingly, while the policy covers all the key aspects of the Act, for any further clarification reference shall always be made to the Act and the provisions ofthe Act shall prevail. If any aspect relating to sexual harassment not explicitly covered in this policy is provided for by the law, then the law will be applicable. In case of any conflict betweenthe policy and the law, the law will prevail.
This policy provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and matters related to it.
This Policy extends to all employees of Roach Group - Roach Lifescapes LLP, Ferns Icon, Roach Properties & Developers LLP, Clover Greens Pvt Ltd & any other company which may be incorporated in future -hereinafter referred to as 'Company' / 'Organization' in this policy. It is deemed to be incorporated forall employees of the Company in India. Local country laws will take precedence over this policy, in other geographies, if applicable.
Sexual harassment may occur not only where a person uses sexual behavior to control, influence or affect the career, salary or job of another person, but also between co-workers. It may also occur between an employee and someone that employee deals with in the course of his/her work who is not employed by the Company.
Redressal Mechanism – Formal Intervention
In compliance with the Act, any complaint under this policy shall be followed by a formal redressal mechanism as described in this Policy.

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